different types of german bread
Photo by markusspiske

15 Different Types of German Bread

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Bread is one of the most popular foods in Germany, both at home and away from home.

Germans enjoy fresh bread and pastries so much that they spend more per capita on them than any other country! 

Whether you’re looking to enjoy some fresh bread with your favorite meal or create a new German dish from scratch, you can bet that there are plenty of different types of German bread to choose from!

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most popular types of German bread and their regional variations in flavor, appearance, and taste.

1. Dreikornbrot


Dreikornbrot, or three-grain bread, is a hearty and nutritious German bread made with rye, wheat, and oats. It is perfect for those looking for a filling and satisfying meal.

2. Vollkornbrot

Vollkornbrot, or whole grain bread, is another of the different types of German bread made with rye flour.

This bread is denser and heavier than other types, making it ideal for a filling meal.

3. Hörnchen

You might not know it, but many different types of German bread exist. One popular variety is Hörnchen, a crescent-shaped roll often filled with chocolate or other sweet fillings.

If you’re looking for something a little heartier, try Pumpernickel bread.

This dense, dark bread is made with rye flour and is perfect for slicing thin and pairing with meats or cheeses.

Or, for a sweeter option, try Apfelstrudel – a traditional apple strudel made with phyllo dough, apples, sugar, and cinnamon.

No matter what you’re in the mood for, there’s sure to be a German bread that will hit the spot!

4. Pretzels

Most people are familiar with the classic hard pretzel, but did you know there are several different types of German bread?

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In addition to the pretzel, there’s also the brotchen, a small, round roll often served with breakfast.

For something a little sweeter, try a pretzel, a type of cake popular in southern Germany.

And don’t forget the delicious pumpernickel bread made with coarsely ground rye flour. You will enjoy its fresh flavor and hearty texture regardless of the type of German bread you choose.

5. Brötchen

When you think of German bread, the first thing that probably comes to mind is a hearty loaf of dark pumpernickel.

But did you know that there are many different types of German bread? Each region of Germany has its specialties. Here’s a quick guide to some of the most popular varieties

6. Weißbrot

Weißbrot, or white bread, is Germany’s most common type of bread. However, many types of Weißbrot exist, including rye, wheat, and mixed grain.

In addition to Weißbrot, there is a variety of other German breads, such as Pumpernickel, Vollkornbrot, and Schwarzbrot. 

Each type of bread has its unique flavor and texture, making it perfect for various dishes.

Whether you’re looking for a hearty loaf to make a sandwich with or a light piece of toast to accompany your breakfast, you will surely find the perfect German bread.

7. Weizenmischbrot

Weizenmischbrot, also known as wheat-rye bread, is a type of German bread containing wheat and rye flour.

It is usually made with a sourdough starter, which gives it a slightly tangy flavor. Weizenmischbrot is often eaten for breakfast but can also be enjoyed as a snack or light meal.

8. Vollkornbrot

Vollkornbrot, or whole-grain bread, is another German bread made with 100% whole-grain flour. It is denser and heavier than other types and has a nutty flavor.

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9. Mehrkornbrot

Mehrkornbrot, or multi-grain bread, is a popular German bread made with various grains. This bread is often hearty and filling, making it a great quick snack or meal option.

If you’re looking for something a little sweeter, try kaiserschmarrn, a traditional Austrian dish made with pancake batter and raisins. 

Try  Mehrkornbrot, a sausage often served on a hard roll for something savory. And if you want something truly unique, try leberkäse, a type of Bavarian meatloaf often served on rye bread.

10. Berliner

Most people consider the Berliner a donut-shaped pastry filled with jelly or cream. But this type of German bread comes in various shapes and sizes and can be filled with delicious fillings.

Whether you’re looking for a traditional treat or something a little more unique, there’s sure to be a German bread that’s perfect for you. Berliner loaves are some of the different types of German bread. 

11. Sonnenblumenkernbrot  

You might not think there would be much variety in German bread, but you’d be wrong!

There are all sorts of delicious options to choose from. One of our favorites is Sonnenblumenkernbrot.

This delicious bread is made with sunflower seeds. If you’re looking for something different, try it—we guarantee you won’t be disappointed!

12. Kürbiskernbrot  

Kürbiskernbrot, or pumpkin seed bread, is a dark and dense loaf popular in southern Germany.

This bread is usually made with a sourdough starter, giving it a slightly tangy flavor.

If you’re looking for something sweet, try Kürbiskernbrot. These round, fluffy rolls are dusted with powdered sugar and often served at Christmas. 

For a hearty option, also try Kürbiskernbrot. This bread is made with coarsely ground rye flour and takes several days.

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If you find yourself in Berlin, be sure to try kaiserschmarrn. This dish is made by shredding a pancake-like batter and frying it in butter until it’s golden brown and crispy.

13. Rye-wheat  

Rye-wheat bread, or Roggenmischbrot, is a popular type of German bread.

It is made with rye and wheat flour and often has a dark brown crust. This bread is perfect for those looking for something hearty and filling.

14. Zwiebelbrot  

Zwiebelbrot, or onion bread, is a popular type of bread in Germany. It’s made with onions, flour, salt, and yeast and has a crispy crust and a soft, fluffy interior.

This bread is often served with soup or as an accompaniment to a meal.

15. Flammkuchen 

Flammkuchen is one of the different types of German bread. It’s thin and crispy and topped with onions, bacon, and cheese.

The toppings are cut into strips and laid across the dough before baking.

They’re traditionally baked in a pan, but some bakeries offer individual servings on plates to enjoy without utensils.

Flammkuchen comes from Alsace-Lorraine, a region between France and Germany.

Alsace-Lorraine was originally part of France until the end of World War 1 when it was given to Germany under the Treaty of Versailles following World War I because Germany had defeated France.


If you’re ever in Germany or want to taste German culture, try some delicious loaves of bread! With so many different types of German bread, you will surely find one that suits your taste.

And who knows, maybe you’ll even be inspired to bake your German bread at home!

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