Difference Between Gelato and Ice Cream

What is the Difference Between Gelato and Ice Cream?

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They may look alike, but there’s a difference between gelato and ice cream. They belong to the same family of frozen desserts.

Popularly consumed as a snack, gelato, and ice cream are recognized worldwide as sweetened frozen foods.

This detectable goodness is considered a favorite of many. They share so many similarities, including that they are both frozen treats and share the same significant ingredients like sugar, cream, and milk.

Nevertheless, they are also different, and this article will explore their differences.

The differences between gelato and ice cream are:

1. Origin

One difference between ice cream and gelato is their origin. Ice cream’s origin can be traced to ancient China. It was made from buffalo milk, flour, and ice.

Later, the components of ice cream evolved and became a delicacy for the elite in the 1600s in England. At that time, it was called “Iced cream.” In contrast, ” ice cream” became known in the early-mid 1700s.

On the other hand, the origin of gelato can be traced to Italy. It became known in the 1500s, but it became trendy among Italians in the 1900s, and the term “gelato” was coined then. Gelato is an Italian word for “frozen.”

2. Fat Content and Calories

Just as the name “ice cream” implies, it has a higher ratio of cream and hence a higher fat concentration than gelato, which is of milk base.

When measured, ice cream has a 10% fat content, while gelato with more milk has a 5 -7% fat content.

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The fat content relates directly to the calories they contain. From The fat content analysis alone, one can infer that ice cream has more calories than gelato.

3. Concentration of Air

Air concentration is one of the most striking differences between ice cream and gelato.

Because ice cream has more fat that binds to the water molecules found in milk, it has a lighter density that allows air to be present.

Conversely, gelato is naturally denser because it has less fat to bind with water molecules. Ice cream is churned fast during the churning process.

It contains about 50% air, which adds volume and gives the base a fluffy and airy texture. As air is integrated during the churning process, gelato incorporates less air. It is churned slowly and contains 25-30% air.

4. Taste and Texture

Another difference between these frozen treats is their taste and texture. In terms of texture, gelato is silky and dense, with a creamy texture that melts in the mouth.

It also has more flavor, whereas ice cream is light and soft and has an icier feel to the mouth, and its butterfat content is not as flavorful as its counterpart. 

More so, ice cream mostly incorporates an artificial source of flavor and is icier. The cold numbs the taste buds and delays the detection of flavor.

Nevertheless, ice cream flavor lingers in the taste buds far longer than gelato. This is because the extra fat content in ice cream holds the flavor to the tongue for longer.

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On the other hand, gelato is a more natural source of flavor, and its warm nature allows taste buds to detect flavors quickly.

5. Temperature 

Gelato is usually served at a warmer temperature of 10 -15 °F, unlike ice cream, which is served at a colder temperature of 10°F, leaving the former at 6 – 8°C warmer than the latter.

Because of their content, there is a variance in temperature. Gelato has less air and fat consistency, so it can be served at a warmer temperature.

Ice cream with high fat and fluffy content will turn soupy if stored at the same temperature as gelato.


Gelato and Ice cream are delicious treats that many people love. They can often be confused as the same thing, but we’ve seen some differences between them.

In this article, we have examined the differences between gelato and ice cream, including their origin, fat content, air concentration, taste, texture, and even temperature.

Despite the seeming difference, they are both frozen treats high in calories and sugar content, so consuming them in moderation is expedient.

Your choice of what to consume is ultimately your decision. Whatever you decide to drink, remember to eat healthily.

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